Creative Ways Authors Announced Their Book Launch – Inkerspress

Creative Ways Authors Announced Their Book Launch

Grabbing readers’ interest in a brand-new book can be mainly challenging, especially in this kind of crowded marketplace. Launch day is a remarkable opportunity for authors to announce their new book, generate visibility to new readers, and construct excitement for existing fans to dive in.

We compiled this list of creative methods authors have announced and promoted. From social media giveaways to author collaborations, numerous strategies could assist you to make a splash on launch day — whether you’re launching a standalone, a first-in-series title, or a sequel.

Post a Facebook Live video expressing your excitement

Facebook Live may be an attention-grabbing, interactive way to sell a book launch. Expressing pleasure and interacting with fans can help generate buzz — not to mention, the comments and reactions they frequently spark can help make those posts reach farther than others.

Peter Sage hosted a Facebook Live on the launch day of ‘The Inside Track‘, letting readers ask him questions about the book and his lifestyle.

Run a giveaway on social media

Giveaways can get readers enthusiastic about a brand-new launch and energetic on the social media posts in which you promote it. Naming the winner and asking them to post about their prize can amplify the life of the campaign.

Kay Bratt promoted her new novel with a giveaway. When announcing the giveaway on Facebook, she included rave reviews of her new title. She then explained a way to enter to win a signed copy of the brand-new novel.

Send a newsletter to your subscribers

Sending a newsletter on release day is an excellent way to remind loyal fans about a book’s launch. Many authors include links to purchases on each store to make it clean for readers to buy wherever they decide to buy books.

Marie Force heralded the release of ‘Five Years Gone‘ with a personal note to her fans. She additionally informed readers that they can sign up for text notifications of releases and sales — a creative way to maintain fans in the loop.

Use social media stories to share positive posts about your book

The Story feature on Instagram and Facebook helps you to post additional content without overwhelming fans with too many timeline posts.

Author Brenda Novak reposted positive reviews of her new book on her Facebook and Instagram stories on launch day. Crossposting her Instagram Stories to Facebook allows Brenda to reach readers regardless of which platform they opt for.

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Cultivate fan discussions about the new release on your website and profiles

Encouraging and cultivating a fan discussion around a brand-new launch can similarly excite core readers. Nora Roberts opened a dialogue section on her blog so readers could discuss her latest launch, ‘Of Blood and Bone.’

Don’t have a comments section available on your website? No problem. Encouraging discussions, mainly with specific questions and prompts, in Facebook or Instagram comments or Twitter threads are an appropriate alternative. Nora let Facebook fans know about the blog discussion, and lots of fans participated in this Facebook post as well.

Repost #bookstagram pics and other fan art

Fan #bookstagrams and different fan artwork are unfastened and endearing content material. Reposting them is a high-quality manner to engage with famous book pages and your largest enthusiasts. Fans love that when authors repost their content material simply make certain to apply the Repost app or credit score the fan withinside the caption.

J. Daniels celebrated the release day of ‘All We Want‘ by reposting an attractive Instagram post from a book lover who posts images of many of her favorite books. Keep a watch out for posts like those.

Promote other authors’ launches

Promoting your peers’ book launches is an excellent way for authors to reach new readers and show what books they’re enthusiastic about. Authors can suggest each other’s books on social media. Even if you’re not coordinating efforts, posting about other authors’ books on their launch day can set up a mutually beneficial relationship — the next time you release a new book, they may return the favor!

Collaborate with authors to co-promote a book launch

Similarly, collaborating with fellow authors to promote new books together helps you to share audiences, attain new readers, and drive sales. Interviewing another author about a new launch is an increasingly famous method. Authors also can regularly run joint giveaways, publish posts on each other’s blogs, or set up plans to promote each other’s books in frequent posts. These techniques offer more significant publicity than single social media timeline posts and are often free.

Jojo Moyes posted a video on Facebook in which fellow author Sophie Kinsella interviews her to sell After You. This was an outstanding cross-promotional strategy because each author got exposure to the others’ fan base.

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