How To Write A Book On Horror Genre – Do’s & Don’ts

Have you noticed that whenever we hear the word “Horror,” most of us experience some spooky or uncanny feelings, but why does it happen? Actually, our minds associate the word horror with several unpleasant aspects such as the fear of unknown & dark elements, ghosts & paranormal activities, black magic, psychological terror and even death …

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How Books Are Benefitted By Amazon Rankings – Inkerspress

In today’s digital age, the majority section of the authors navigate a complex online landscape where the chances of discoverability turns out to be paramount. For many of the authors, Amazon reigns supreme as the primary marketplace for their book sales. Interestingly, one prominent aspect of this online world is the Amazon Ranking System, which …

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Why Digital Rights Management (DRM) Matters While Publishing E-Books

The e-book revolution has transformed the publishing landscape to a great extend, by offering the readers’ community an unparalleled convenience and the access to a vast library of titles. However, this transformation comes with a unique set of challenges, particularly with regards to the protection of the copyright. Over the time, the Digital Rights Management …

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Trending Book Genres Of 2024

The literary landscape is constantly evolving, with new trends and genres emerging year after year. Interestingly, in this current year of 2024, the readers can expect a diverse and captivating mix of the stories to capture their imaginations. As the year unfolds, the readers’ community eagerly anticipate for the new literary adventures that await them. …

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Points To Keep In Mind For Debutant Authors

The journey from an aspiring writer to a published author is fraught with both excitement and trepidation. It is a culmination of countless hours spent crafting worlds, developing characters, and pouring your heart onto the page. However, with the thrill of holding your finished book in your hands comes the daunting world of navigating the …

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How To Write A Cook Book & Make It A Best-Seller

The dream of writing a cookbook that ignites the culinary passions and becomes a treasured resource on the kitchen shelves is a delicious aspiration for many. However, translating the culinary creativity into a captivating and commercially successful cookbook requires some serious strategic planning, meticulous execution, and a dash of entrepreneurial spirit. Well, in this particular …

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